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OpenSS7 commercially licenses the software and technology of the OpenSS7 stack and related software. These licenses are not without fee, yet permit you to bundle the our software with proprietary applications for commercial purposes. For maximum flexibility, we negotiate licensing agreements that best meet each client's needs. We also have several levels of boiler-plate software subscription service models that meet the needs of the majority of smaller clients. For pure open-source use of our software, we can provide opensource compliance statements for use with customers, vendors, or courts. For more information on licensing, please see Licensing.


OpenSS7 provides professional consulting services in most areas of telecommunications networks and deployment: assistance in porting, using, extending and developing systems based on our stack and related open-source systems. We are also able to assist with applications and system development and deployment. For more information on consulting, please see Consulting.


We provide support services for our software. We can provide Tier 3 under negotiated support contract at attractive prices. We also provide development support as part of our subscription or licensing services. For more information on support, please see Support.


OpenSS7 has, in the past, provided training courses developed in-house and offered at the customer site. We are able to extend these training courses in topic areas covering a wide range of subjects surrounding development and applications and the use and programming of our protocol stacks. We can also offer training courses in the use of the STREAMS programming environment and device driver development. For more information on training, please see Training.

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